
A Section of the Latin American Studies Association


The Asociación de Estudios Bolivianos/Bolivian Studies Association is the largest membership organization for academics and professionals interested in Bolivia. The AEB holds a Congress in Sucre Bolivia every two years. Its website includes an on-line journal, bibliography on Bolivia and names of members and other information. Click here for more details.

The Programa de Investigación Estrategica en Bolivia (PIEB) is an independent center that seeks to contribute strategic knowledge to civil society and government actors involved in rebuilding Bolivia socially and institutionally. PIEB grants various study awards each year, organizes public events, and regularly publishes materials that result from the studies it funds. PIEB maintains a highly useful web site at PIEB

El PIEB es un programa autónomo que busca contribuir con conocimientos relevantes y estratégicos a actores de la sociedad civil y del Estado para la comprensión del proceso de reconfiguración institucional y social de Bolivia y sus regiones; y para incidir en políticas públicas orientadas a favorecer el desarrollo sostenible y el fortalecimiento de la democracia.