
A Section of the Latin American Studies Association


LASA Maureen Ahern Doctoral Dissertation Award/ Maureen Ahern Premio a la Mejor Tesis Doctoral en Estudios Coloniales, 2023.

La ganadora, Hannah Rose Abrahamson (College of Holy Cross)

Mención honrosa, Carla Fumagalli (Universidad de Buenos Aires).

Información detallada sobre los libros premiados, se encuentra aquí.

Los miembros del Jurado fueron:

Dra. Yamile Silva ( University of Scranton)

Dra. Amber Brian (The University of Iowa)

Dr. Santiago Muñoz Arbelaez (Universidad de los Andes-Bogotá)

Dra. Marta Ortiz Canseco (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Dra. Vanina Teglia (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

Best Book in Colonial Latin American Studies (triennial)

2022: Aaron M. Hyman (John Hopkins University), Rubens in Repeat: The Logic of the Copy in Colonial Latin America (Getty Research Institute, 2021)

Honorable mention: Carlos A. Jáuregui (University of Notre Dame), Espectros y conjuras. Asedios a la cuestión colonial (Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2020)

Honorable mention: S. Elizabeth Penry (Fordham University), The People are King. The Making of an Indigenous Andean Politics (Oxford University Press, 2019)

2019: Bianca Premo (Florida International University), The Enlightenment on Trial: Ordinary Litigants and Colonialism in the Spanish Empire (Oxford University Press, 2017)

2016: Barbara Mundy (Fordham University), The Death of Aztec Tenochtitlan, the Life of Mexico City (University of Texas Press, 2015)

Best Article in Colonial Latin American Studies by an Advanced Scholar (inaugurated 2021)

2024: Carolina Francisca González Undurraga (Universidad de Chile), "Mujeres esclavizadas y el uso del partus sequitur ventrem ante la justicia: inscribir la ascendencia materna e intervenir el archivo género-racializado en Chile colonial," Estudios del ISHIR 11.30 (2021)

Honorable mention: Larissa Brewer García (University of Chicago), "Gender and the Work of Missionary Translation: Back Women Interpreters among the Jesuits in Seventeenth Century Cartagena de Indias," Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 21.4 (2021)

2021: Allison Bigelow (University of Virginia), "Transatlantic Quechuañol: Reading Race Through Colonial Translations," PMLA 134.2 (2019)

2021: Vanina Teglia (Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET), "Claroscuros del archivo colonial: La escritura sobre la naturaleza de Fernández de Oviedo," Huarte de San Juan. Geografía e Historia 27 (2020)


Best Article in Colonial Latin American Studies by a Junior Scholar (triennial)

2024: John Carlos Castillo Marquez (University of California, Riverside) "Witnesses to Freedom: Paula's Enslavement, Her Family's Freedom Suit, and the Making of a Counterarchive in the South Atlantic World," Hispanic American Historical Review 101.2 (2021)

Honorable mention: Nelson Fernando González Martínez (Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla), "Communicating an Empire and Its Many Words: Spanish American Mail, Logistics, and Postal Agents, 1492–1620," Hispanic American Historical Review 101.4 (2021)

2021: Larissa Brewer-García (University of Chicago), "Hierarchy and Holiness in the Earliest Colonial Black Hagiographies: Alonso de Sandoval and His Sources," William and Mary Quarterly 76.3 (2019)

Honorable mention: Iris Montero (Brown University), "The Disguise of the Hummingbird: On the Natural History of Huitzilopochtli," Ethnohistory 67.3 (2020)

2018: Matthew Goldmark (Florida State University), "Reading Habits: Catalina de Erauso and the Subjects of Early Modern Spanish Gender and Sexuality," Colonial Latin American Review 24.2 (2015).

2015: Daniel Nemser (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), "Archaeology in the Lettered City," Colonial Latin American Review 23.2 (2014).

Maureen Ahern Doctoral Dissertation Award in Colonial Latin American Studies (triennial)

2020: Ximena A. Gómez (University of Massachusetts Amherst),  Nuestra Señora: Confraternal Art and Identity in Early Colonial Lima (University of Michigan)

Honorable mention: Santiago Muñoz Arbeláez (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá), The New Kingdom of Granada: The Making and Unmaking of Spain's Atlantic Empire, 1530-1620 (Yale University)

2017: Christopher Heaney (Penn State University), The Pre-Columbian Exchange: The Circulation of the Ancient Peruvian Dead in the Americas and Atlantic World (University of Texas at Austin)

2014: Jason Dyck (Trent University Oshawa), The Sacred Historian's Craft: Francisco de Florencia and Creole Identity in Seventeenth-Century New Spain (University of Toronto, 2012)

Honorable mention: Larissa Brewer-García (University of Chicago), Beyond Babel: Translations of Blackness in Colonial Peru and New Granada (Rutgers University)

Raul Marrero-Fente (University of Minnesota) and Pablo García Loaeza (West Virginia University) congratulate Barbara Mundy (Fordham University), 2016 recipient of the section prize for Best Book in Colonial Latin American Studies.

Clayton McCarl (University of North Florida) congratulates Daniel Nemser (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) for winning the section prize Best Article in Colonial Latin American Studies by a Junior Scholar.


Santa Arias (University of Kansas) presents Jason Dyck (Trent University Oshawa) with the 2014 Maureen Ahern Doctoral Dissertation Award in Colonial Latin American Studies for his dissertation The Sacred Historian's Craft: Francisco de Florencia and Creole Identity in Seventeenth-Century New Spain (University of Toronto, 2012).